I had the chance to go and film and update today with the “Friends of Minsi Lake” and Northampton Parks & Recreation. I was really surprised how different the area appears with the lake now almost full. While it still has another foot or two to go, there were tons of fish breaking the surface. Made me wish I brought my kayak so I could hit the water after the film shoot

The lake was stocked with thousands of trout this year, Browns, Rainbow, and Brookies. Also fingerling largemouth bass and golden shiners for bait forage. The area looked perfect for the young stocked fish to grow, with lots of cover while the old lake bottom vegetation deteriorates.

While I interviewed Jim Wilson from Northampton Parks & Rec, he was telling me of all the other projects in the works or planned for the park. Improvements like trail improvement, rest rooms, and a walkway spanning the new damn to allow access to hikers around the entire lake.

I will share the new Minsi Lake Update video in a couple weeks as we wrap us filming. In the meantime, you can explore the Friends of Minsi Lake website here – http://ncjcs.org/foml/

Hopefully more good news to come, Video will be out soon!

Let’s Get on ’em! ~Pocono George

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