With Fluke closing on Sept 19, Josh & I decided to hit the party boats once more to get in one some Flukin’ action. Leaving the Pocono’s at 2:30 am we hit the road on our way to the Jamaica II for a half day trip to load up before the end of the season. Of course we arrived over 2.5 hours before the boat was to sail, but we needed to secure out spot on the boat. Josh insisted we get to the front with other “regulars” he has come to know over the past few months on the water.

 The Captain left the dock right on schedule and we sailed about 40 minutes out to some structure. it was wind vs tide today, so it seems we had very little drift at all. Not ideal for the fishing, but we were diligent in making a go of it. Light winds & seas and some clouds were not hard to deal with.

 Almost immediately after dropping baits we were getting bit! “This is gonna be a great day” I remember telling myself. But the fluke we striking short, more often than not coming up with only half of my Berkley Gulp Grub tail  bit off just behind the hook. Josh was quick to bring a short up, but had to go back as we searched for bigger fish. Finally I felt a really nice one grab ahold, I quickly set the hook and started to bring him aboard. About half way up, it suddenly let go. Josh looked at me and said, “That was a good one!” heartbreaking, but yet another one I could not get over the rail.

   The day continued with much the same, with short strikes consuming much of the New Berkley Gulp 6″ Paddle tails I had brought with me. Josh decided to go with a much lighter ball jig, and started to land many nice Black Sea Bass. Any other time this would have been a bonanza, however Sea Bass season was CLOSED and all had to be quickly returned to the water.

 With only 2 keeper Fluke caught on the boat this trip, we set our sights on returning for Sea Bass in a few weeks. Our good friend Jim Hutchinson happened to meet up with us at the dock, and we caught up for a half hour or so. All in all, great day out on the water, any day fishing is a good day.

 We’ll be back out on the Jamaica II real soon…. Stay tuned!



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