As we pass Labor day, It is the time I start hunting freshwater stripers in my local lake. Josh Taylor & I hit the water las Sunday Sept 13. We were out on my fishing pontoon dragging those Maja Mojos that have been so productive. The 3oz is especially deadly for those freshwater pure strain beasts!

The lake was perfect, with only a few dozen fisherman on the water, no jetskies, speedboats, etc.. It the time for the sportsman. Despite an active trolling pattern, we were not lucky on todays trip. I do NOT have my sonar on this boat yet, but do not think it made that much difference. We saw no stripers being caught by other fisherman either, so I think it was just one of those days they are uncooperative.

This is just the start of what I consider prime Striper season here, we will be trying pretty much every weekend here on out. Check back soo, I’m sure we will get on ’em real soon!

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